Auto-upload your entire SPAR statement into the system electronically with support for both Warehouse & Drop-shipment statements. Credit notes are auto-allocated to invoices
SPAR Supplier Recon Manager will automatically reconcile your statement transactions to system transactions, with support for transaction recon within a value tolerance
Add all unreconcilable items as claims, to be followed-up at a later stage. Easily recon previous statements claims when the credit note is entered into SIGMA and easily report on claims per supplier
Payment is auto created at the end of reconciliation. Invoices are automatically all0cated to the payment and easily reconcile against your bank statement with Sage bank Manager
Segregate user access by function, allow reconciliation authorization and allow payment authorization – With Supplier Recon Manager enhanced security features
IntantRetail offers SPAR approved modules on a services as a software benefit – No more upfront costs and annual licence fee, one single monthly subscription fee
We offer a wide range of SPAR specific modules to assit SPAR owners with automated drop-shipment processing, on-demand retail business intelligence, powerful cash-up tools and a Bona-fide accounting solution
To provide an affordable retail accounting solution for a single and group SPAR franchise stores & give powerful reporting solutions for valuable insights