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Select your different Dashboard views by daily Sales, Sales\Cost of Sales, by products and more
Compare your daily sales from the previous month and previous year
Compare your month to date sales from previous month and previous year
See the overview of your average basket size and use the tooltip to see actual value per day
See the overview of your daily footprint and use the tooltip to see actual count per day
Quick Overview of your voids and returns
No need to fret if you lack an accounting system because Retail Analytics collaborates directly with SIGMA.
Get real-time data of your Sales and Expenses. With these tools we can help you reduce costs and increase your profits.
Get real-time data imported from SIGMA and be able to analyze and make decisive decisions on your stores performance and shortfalls, allowing you to grow your profit and reduce expenditure
Our B2B solution assists you with seamless integration of your data from SIGMA to your accounting system.
With automated supplier recon manager to our daily cash-up module we give you the tools to speed up your daily administration, giving you time to spend on more important functions of your store
The system is designed from a user centric perspective, automating many processes and incorporating a user friendly design
We offer a wide range of SPAR specific modules to assit SPAR owners with automated drop-shipment processing, on-demand retail business intelligence, powerful cash-up tools and a Bona-fide accounting solution
To provide an affordable retail accounting solution for a single and group SPAR franchise stores & give powerful reporting solutions for valuable insights