You can detail your cash and other tender-type takings per teller. Ensuring all you cash and tender types are banked accurately
The Cash-Up Module automatically posts to your accounting cash-book, D-Store and Point Of Sale with confidence. No more duplication of work
View your daily takins, and with what tender types at a glance, manage shortages and eliminate inaccuracies and theft quickly and easily.
Cash Up allows for multiple department Cash Ups, giving you the ability to Cash Up Your SPAR and TOPS stores separatelyÂ
SPAR cash-Up Modules allows for multiple below the line tender types. You can now maintain all the tender types for your retail operation
IntantRetail offers SPAR approved modules on a services as a software benefit – No more upfront costs and annual licence fee, one single monthly subscription fee
We offer a wide range of SPAR specific modules to assit SPAR owners with automated drop-shipment processing, on-demand retail business intelligence, powerful cash-up tools and a Bona-fide accounting solution
To provide an affordable retail accounting solution for a single and group SPAR franchise stores & give powerful reporting solutions for valuable insights