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Sage Evolution – Easy Supplier Enquiries

Easily view your supplier claims with Instant Retail Accounts’s Accounts Payable Module!

Easily make enquiries on your suppliers – view data YOUR way in a matter of clicks!

Have you ever wanted to know how much a supplier owes you in outstanding credit notes? Well with Instant Retail Accounts you can know with only a few button-clicks! In the video below we illustrate how easy it is to edit and filter the Evolution engine’s screens to display the data you want to see – in this specific scenario we filter the data to show us our supplier’s liability with us, in credit note transactions, for a specific period. Using this information we can choose which suppliers we need to follow-up on and ensure we recover money owed to us – potentially thousands of rands not in our bank accounts. This shows how Instant Retail Accounts can be used as a powerful management tool by allowing us to see business critical data hassle-free!


In the demo video below we took the example of performing a supplier enquiry. Once we have found a supplier in the accounts payable module we can easily view all the transactions linked to that supplier. But what if we want to filter our data to see something more specific? Well this is where the Evolution engine comes into its own. With two simple clicks we are able to filter the data to show transactions within a certain date range. We can sort the transactions, either ascending or descending alphanumerically, by simply clicking on any of the grid columns. If we want to group the transactions by any of the columns available we can simply drag the column into the header bar. In our video below we use the example of grouping the transactions by transaction type so we can easily see all of the transactions grouped by credit notes, payments, etc…


With the Evolution engine we can also filter data quickly – in the video below we filter the data to view all credit notes where the outstanding value is greater than R100 in our favour. We can quickly view these specific transaction and even add a running total column to the screen to see exactly how much the transactions add-up to – a powerful management tool!


But There Is More!

In Instant Retail Accounts, the Accounts Payable module allows you to view other screens showing useful data for administration and management of supplier accounts. In the video below we show the balances screen which allows you to quickly see a supplier’s ageing with outstanding amounts for each ageing period defined. We can also see the allocations which quickly allows us to view what transactions are allocated to each other. For example you can see the credit notes that have been applied to an invoice as well as all invoices allocated to a cash book payment.


With the Evolution engine, filter and sort your data to allow you to make informed business decisions. Please view the video below to see one of many examples of how you can use Instant Retail Accounts to view your data the way YOU want to view it!

View The Supplier Enquiry Demo Video Below

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